Daily Bible Study with Purpose

Daily Bible Study with Purpose


🔺 One Day

by Irvine Saint-Vilus

One day, while visiting a sickly man in the hospital, he turned to me with weepy eyes and said, “I will not make it out of here alive.” He went on to say that he was reaping the consequences of his bad decisions. As I observed his fragile and bruised frame, my heart dropped like lead to the pit of my stomach. I could not conjure up the right words to provide him any comfort. 

Trust God!

Silently, I prayed, “Lord, what should I say to this man to bring him hope or peace?”

The Holy Spirit deposited a Word in my spirit, and I said to him, “You are still alive, I would encourage you to make the most of your time.”

How fitting is this Word, especially for believers!

Have Faith!

Are we taking every opportunity to share the gospel with those who do not know our Savior Jesus Christ? In John 9:4, Jesus tells His disciples, “We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.

While we are given the precious gift of time, we must tell people about the saving grace of Christ before it is too late. By using every occasion, platform, and venue we have, we can live out our God-given purpose! Proclaim His Word of love. We will win souls for His kingdom and make the most of our lives. Then on that glorious day, when we see our Lord face-to-face in the heavenly place, with joy and gladness in our hearts, we will hear Him say the sweetest words, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 2:23).   

~ Irvine Saint-Vilus

This devotional was written by Irvine Saint-Vilus a loving contributor to Our Given Purpose® Edited by Torrie Slaughter in the Commonwealth of Virginia. 



© Torrie Slaughter, LLC, Torrie Slaughter Photography, and Our Given Purpose ®, 2020.



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